Welcome to the Softer Side of Trawick Images
Terri Trawick
I BELIEVE IN THE POWER of photography to change someones perspective. I have seen it empower individuals of all shapes and sizes to redefine herself, challenge her self-perception, increase her self-confidence and learn to love themselves exactly how they are. I bring my art, my heart, my gut instinct, resourcefulness, spontaneity, determination, professionalism and passion everytime I am behind the lens.
I have danced in the rain with my kids, laughed so hard it hurt and I have earned every wrinkle on my forehead. I have followed the rules until it was time to break them and I truly understand that beauty is internal and sexy is an attitude and they have nothing to do with what I look like. I am the mom who picked up a camera to take better pictures of her kids and ended up discovering exactly who I was meant to be.
If you have any questions or when you are ready to be AUDACIOUS… Shoot me an email.
you can call or text as well 405.203.4668